En nous

En nous

Régis Sauder








Laura, Cadiatou, Armelle, Abou, Albert, Anaïs, Aurore, Emmanuelle, Morgane, Sarah, Virginie

Ten years ago, the paths of Abou, Laura, Cadiatou and Jacques have crossed Emmanuelle’s. She was their French teacher at a high school in Marseille. Together they took part in a film, Children of the Princess of Cleves, in which, while analyzing the classic text, they expressed their hopes, dreams, and fears. In En Nous, the director re-connects with the protagonists : memories blend with stories of their lives and the daily obstacles they must overcome whilst trying not to lose hope. Now, the sentence of the Princess of Cleves rings poignantly true: “I know nothing can be more difficult than what I undertake”. 10 years after his debut film, Régis Sauder’s protagonists narrate the successes and challenges of a generation amidst our ever-changing society.